
Wolf Of Wall Street Weighs In On Pelosi’s ‘Remarkable’ Success In Trading

This interview was fascinating

Jordan Belfort talks about his time in jail, what he thinks of connected people who DIDN’T spend time in jail, and the famous cellmate that convinced him to write a book.

Around the 24 minute mark in the interview, Belfort shares what he thinks about insider trading and Nancy Pelosi.

Also, he lays out why ordinary people should never hire an ‘expert’ for their investing, but should just stick their money in an investment fund.

In this same interview, he talks about sharing a cell with Tommy Chong, and how Chong talked him into writing a book.

Although he had no previous experience in writing, he didn’t need to hire a ghost-writer for his story, because he stumbled on a ‘cheat code’ for fast-tracking from rookie writer to someone who sounds like a seasoned pro. He found a mentor, of sorts, after reading a book he wanted to emulate. He became such a good student that his publisher asked if that same author had written his sample pages for him.

Obviously, the interview covers a lot of ground. It is well worth watching in full.

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck